Working From Home

Since many businesses and organizations have instructed their their teams to work remotely in the upcoming weeks, employees are needing to learn how to work from home. Although the thought of not spending your mornings in traffic and working in your pajamas may sound appealing, there are many changes remote workers need to make to stay motivated and productive when not in the office. Make sure you are set up for success by considering the following:

Create a Separate Workspace

Your workspace doesn’t have to be an office with a door but it should be a dedicated space that mentally prepares you to work. Whether it’s a small desk in the corner of your living room or your kitchen table, make sure you have a work surface large enough for your computer and any other materials you may need. Places that you associate with relaxing, like your bedroom or couch, aren’t ideal workspaces and should be avoided during work hours.

Establish a Routine

One of the most difficult aspects of working from home is establishing a routine. Try to start and end work around the same time each day and schedule breaks like you typically would in the office. This will help to ensure you’re not getting distracted by household chores or working 24/7.

Set Boundaries with Family Members

If your spouse or children are home, set boundaries for when you are available during the work day. While you may need to alter your schedule to provide family care, try to set aside dedicated work time to ensure you are meeting deadlines.

Get the Tools you Need

If you are regularly working from home, investing in an ergonomic chair is well worth it. It will help to avoid back problems and keep you productive. If your workspace is in a common area where other family members are, noise-cancelling headphones will signal to others that you are working and help avoid distractions.

Although working from home can be a big change from what you’re used to, you can still be productive if you establish a plan and create a functional workspace. Contact the Keeney’s team today if you need furniture or supplies to make your home office work for you!

*Product shown: Watson Miro

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